Regardless of Us

Regardless of Us

우리와 상관없이
202381 Min.7/10
Middle-aged actress Hwaryeong could not attend her film's premiere due to a sudden stroke. Her coworkers visit and tell her the story of the completed film, but their stories don't match for some reason. Hwaryeong falls asleep alone, and she wants to embrace everything.
Ficha Técnica
TítuloRegardless of Us
Título Original우리와 상관없이
Duración81 Min.
Año de Estreno2023
PaísSouth Korea
DirectoresIl Kang, Yoo Heong-jun, Yoo Heong-jun, Yoo Heong-jun, Yoo Heong-jun, Yoo Heong-jun, Yoo Heong-jun, 이희우, Park Minsoo, Yoo Heong-jun
ActoresCho Hyun-jin, Cho So-yeon, Kwak Min-kyu, 김미숙, 최성원, 이양희
ProductoresYoo Heong-jun